Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Will You Survive this Recession?

Is your small business able to weather the storm? a.k.a. how can you still make money when you have to stop spending it?


Let’s Face It. We’re ALL Doomed!!

Ok, maybe that’s a bit grim and lacks any hope. But it’s not completely false. We are, in fact, amidst a pretty horrific economic cluster-duck (keeping this family-friendly 😉)

So what can YOU do about it, as a business owner, with very REAL expenses and responsibilities?

I’m glad you asked!

FREE or Very Low-Cost Marketing Strategies, or as I’ve affectionately called it, “Scrappy Marketing” may very well be your ticket to survival (or “thrival” is that a word? if not let’s call it one and I’ll take a mere 13% royalty every time it’s published).


What can “Scrappy Marketing” do for you in your small business?

How can it translate from just empty words in this random email you’re reading (thanks btw, glad you’re here!)... To ACTUAL results in your business?

First, it requires a little practice in open-mindedness.

Rather than following “general advice” that inevitably produces “general results”, follow me for a moment, and let’s think outside the box…

What can your business do TODAY that drives more traffic, leads, consideration, or God willing, SALES?!

Sure, that’s mostly a rhetorical question, one I trust you’ll think deeply on during your stress-free casual commute home, but just in case you feel a bit “cheated”. That you’ve so graciously given me the last 4.8 minutes of your life and currently have nothing but ambiguous “advice”, let me give you something tangible to take with you.

You ready?!?!?!?!


Coming from someone who wears every hat in his own business, juggling the gazillion things that come along with running a business, this has been the single most effective tool I’ve used over that last year to take my business from “idea” to surpassing the 2-year goal. (I won’t share numbers because I don’t want to brag… ok, fine if you’re going to twist my arm, we did over six figures in year one.) *disclaimer, that’s pre-tax, after Uncle “Sticky Fingers” Sam takes his cut of 257% there’s not much left.

Anyway, focus! Where were we?


What kind of millennial - fortune cookie advice is this, right?

I just mean this…

Use your social media to share content! As often as possible!!!!

But, obviously, make it good. Post relevant, useful, and engaging things that people ACTUALLY care about. Otherwise, you’re just another distraction.

Happy Scrapping!!

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Grow Your Business Using Content

"Ready to take your small business to the next level with killer content? Here's how:

Step 1: Know your audience like the back of your hand. In order to create content that really speaks to your audience, you need to understand their interests, preferences, and how they like to consume information.

Step 2: Get strategic with your content. A solid content marketing plan will help you stay focused and ensure that all your content efforts align with your business goals.

Step 3: Optimize, optimize, optimize! Using SEO best practices will help you rank higher in search results and make it easier for potential customers to find your amazing content.

Step 4: Spread the word! Once you've created some top-notch content, it's time to get it in front of your target audience. Promote your content through social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and any other channels that make sense for your business.

Step 5: Don't be a stranger! Engage with your audience and encourage them to interact with your content. Ask questions, seek feedback, and respond to comments. This helps build a loyal following and can lead to some serious word-of-mouth referrals.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to using content to supercharge your small business and reach new customers. Let's do this!"

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

5 Ways Video Can Make Your Customer Service Better

5 Ways Video Can Take Your Customer Service to the Next Level

As a small business owner, you know that happy customers are the key to your success. But let's face it - providing top-notch customer service can be a challenge. That's where video comes in! Check out these five creative ways to use video to take your customer service to the next level:

  1. Welcome aboard! Create a simple onboarding video to introduce new clients to your biz and give them a sneak peek of what they can expect.

  2. Confused about your offerings? No problem! Make some quick explainer videos to help your prospective clients understand the differences between your products/services. This will make their decision-making process a breeze.

  3. Follow up with personalized check-in videos to see how your clients are enjoying your stuff and find out if there's anything else you can do to make their experience even better.

  4. Got questions? We've got answers! Create a series of FAQ videos that address the most common questions you get from clients. This way, anyone can access the answers whenever they need 'em.

  5. Share updates, announcements, and celebrations with your audience through video. They'll love feeling like they're part of the team and rooting for your business wins. Plus, it's a great opportunity to give your clients a peek behind the scenes.

Bonus tip: Create client spotlights or features that showcase the success stories of your amazing clients. This will demonstrate the value of your products/services and inspire others to work with you.

Video is a powerful tool that can help you provide a more engaging and personal customer service experience. Give it a try and see how it can help your business thrive!

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

3 Common Content Mistakes Small Businesses Make (and how to correct them)

Are you guilty of making these common content mistakes as a small business? Don't worry, we've all been there. But fear not, we have solutions to help fix those blunders and up your social media game!

  1. BORING POSTS: You know the ones, featuring generic stock photos and copy that could apply to any business in any industry. Yawn.

SOLUTION: Put some heart into it! Before hitting that post button, ask yourself: "Is this something we'd actually talk about or care about in real life? Does it represent our brand well?" If the answer is no, take some extra time to come up with content that passes the test. Trust us, it'll be worth it.

  1. DRY POSTS: We get it, running a business can be serious business. But that doesn't mean your social media has to be a snooze fest.

SOLUTION: Infuse some personality! Remember, you're a human (at least we hope so) and so are your clients. Show off your unique brand voice and let your audience get to know the people behind the business.

  1. PURPOSELESS POSTS: We've all scrolled past those posts that leave us thinking, "Wait, what was the point of that?" Avoid being forgettable by giving your content a clear purpose.

SOLUTION: Before hitting that post button, ask yourself: "Is anyone going to care about this? Does it provide value, insight, or entertainment to my audience?" If the answer is no, it might be worth holding off on sharing.

By following these solutions, you'll be well on your way to avoiding these all-too-common content mistakes. Go forth and conquer the social media world!

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

5 Low or No Cost Solutions to The Most Common Marketing Challenges for SMB’s

5 solutions to the most common marketing challenges for SMB’s (all are free or low cost!!)

5 Low Cost or Free Solutions to The Common Marketing Challenges Small Businesses Face:

- Lack of Brand Awareness (about your business):

Use social media to connect with and engage your ideal customers/clients, creating regular value - based content

- Limited budget for marketing and advertising efforts:

Use free or low-cost marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, or content marketing

Partner with other local businesses (in a complimentary industry) to cross-promote each other's services or products **think about what businesses/services/products compliment what you offer and provide an even greater value to your clients!

- Difficulty standing out from the competition:

Develop a strong brand identity and consistently promote it across your marketing channels and social media platforms (aka have some personality and share it!!)

Utilize customer testimonials and reviews to showcase the value of your services (*social proof will serve as a demonstration of your expertise and skills)

- Lack of knowledge about effective marketing techniques and strategies:

Seek out free or low-cost resources, (YouTube, Skillshare, etc) to learn about effective marketing strategies (some of our favorites: “Digital Marketer”, “Business Made Simple”/ “Storybrand Marketing”, “Marketing Against the Grain”)

Research successful marketing campaigns in your industry and see what you can learn from them (*or marketing strategies from any industry you find yourself drawn to… what is it about them that you find appealing?) *For video content some of our favorites are The Harmon Brothers & Sandwich Video!

- Inability to track the effectiveness of marketing efforts:

Utilize tools, like Google Analytics or social media analytics, to track the performance of your marketing efforts and content

Conduct market research to gather feedback and insights from your target audience about the effectiveness of your marketing efforts

I hope these suggestions are helpful and give you some ideas for low-cost or free marketing solutions for your business. Remember, it's important to be creative and think outside the box in order to find marketing strategies that work for your business and your target audience!

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Video Content Ideas for Small Businesses to Use on Social Media

You, small business owner! 

Are you looking to up your video content game on social media? 

Look no further, because we've got five fresh ideas for you:

  1. Show off your team: Don't be afraid to let your personality shine! Introduce your team and show off their skills and personalities. Not only will this give your audience a sense of the culture and values of your business, but it'll also help them get to know the people behind the brand.

  2. Give your audience a backstage pass: Share some behind-the-scenes footage of your business – whether it's how you make your products or how you serve your customers. This type of content will give your audience a unique and insider's look at your business and will help them feel more connected to you and your brand.

  3. Teach your audience how it's done: Create instructional or creative videos that demonstrate how to use your products or services. These videos will help your audience see the value of your products or services and how they can benefit from them.

  4. Let your customers do the talking: Customer testimonials are the ultimate form of social proof. Share some video testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust with your audience and provide real-life examples of how your business has made a positive impact.

  5. Host a Q&A: Engage with your audience by hosting a Q&A on social media. You can answer questions about your business, your products or services, or the industry you operate in. These Q&A sessions can be live or recorded, and they'll provide valuable information and insights to your audience.

So there it is – five ideas to help you create killer video content for your small business on social media. Get creative and start sharing!

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Why 2023 Will be the Best Year for Video Content

Get ready, small business owners – 2023 is going to be the best year yet for video content marketing!

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Video is more engaging than text: Studies have shown that people are more likely to watch a video than read a long blog post. By using video to market your business, you can capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged.

  2. Video is more shareable: People love sharing videos on social media. If you create a great video that resonates with your audience, they'll be more likely to share it with their friends and followers. This can help your content go viral and increase your reach.

  3. Video is more versatile: There are so many different ways to use video for marketing. You can create video ads, social media videos, explainer videos, product demonstrations, and more. This versatility means that you can find a video format that works for your business and your audience.

  4. Video is more memorable: Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember information from a video than from a text-based medium. By using video to market your business, you'll be more likely to make a lasting impression on your audience.

So, don't wait – start incorporating video into your marketing strategy now!

Trust us, your business (and your audience) will thank you.

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Low (or No) Cost Marketing Ideas

As a small business owner, it's important to make the most of every dollar – especially when it comes to marketing. Fortunately, low-cost content marketing can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business. From utilizing social media and starting a blog to creating an email newsletter and partnering with influencers, there are many ways to use content to market your small business on a budget. And don't forget to repurpose your content to get the most bang for your buck! By utilizing these low-cost content marketing strategies, you can effectively reach new customers and grow your business without breaking the bank.

As a small business owner, you know that every dollar counts – especially when it comes to marketing. That's where low-cost content marketing comes in! Here are a few tips for using content to market your small business on a budget:

  1. Utilize social media: Social media is a great (and free!) way to reach a wide audience and engage with potential customers. Create a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by sharing updates, behind-the-scenes content, and promotional offers.

  2. Start a blog: A blog is a great way to share valuable information with your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Plus, it's relatively inexpensive to start and maintain. Just make sure to optimize your blog for search engines so that it can be easily found by potential customers.

  3. Create an email newsletter: An email newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with your audience and share updates about your business. Plus, it's cost-effective and allows you to segment your audience based on their interests.

  4. Utilize influencer marketing: Partnering with influencers in your industry can be a cost-effective way to reach a new audience and gain credibility. Just make sure to choose influencers who align with your brand and have a genuine following.

  5. Repurpose your content: Don't let all that hard work go to waste! Turn your blog posts into social media posts, infographics, or videos. This will save you time and resources while still creating new, engaging content.

Really, there are many low-cost ways to use content to market your small business. By utilizing social media, starting a blog, creating an email newsletter, partnering with influencers, and repurposing your content, you can effectively reach new customers and grow your business without breaking the bank.

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Evan Renfroe Evan Renfroe

Get Scrappy

“Recession - Ready” your business!!

How to “Recession ready “ Your Business:

Full disclosure.. I’ve never owned a business through a “recession” before.

I’m at that weird age where technically I’m an adult, (early 30’s), but can’t really refer to myself as old since I’m not balding or going gray..

Anyway.. what “qualifies” me to share thoughts on how to “recession ready” a business

(as it pertains to marketing, particularly that of a “scrappy nature”)…

Well.. nothing!!

I don’t have a wall of credentials, a vast history of growing and selling companies

(nor do I have the business equivalent of “walking uphill both ways in the snow”.. whatever that would be)

But what I do have…

A borderline obsession for what I do now.

Content creation & marketing!!

I don’t have millions of followers, subscribers or  internet fame..

but I started a business with nothing more than ideas,

and at nearly 1 full year in, it’s done far better than expected!! *yay!!*

So, to the topic at hand..

how can we “recession ready” our business in the way of content creation and “scrappy marketing”?

Being a huge fan of bootstrapping, and having relied solely on organic content and reach..

that’s my recommendation!

It may be worth sharing what I view “scrappy marketing” to be…

Essentially it’s using limited resources to create something that’s effective!

And as we near some economic turbulence.. this is a great time to begin to use such a strategy!

When discretionary funding, marketing budgets and overall margins become a bit more slim… this approach still works!!

So, how to do it..

Pt I:

It really starts with your business identity, personality and “brand”…

Who are you, what do you stand for, what do you like|dislike, etc.

From this, we can gain a sense of the things that would “make sense” to speak on and create content around..


When you’ve determined part 1, what things make sense for you to create content around, that is exactly what you do!

You’re a home builder who loves football, the lake, your family and good whiskey… make content around those things!!

Share your personality, humor (if you have it) and let people connect and relate to you as a … HUMAN

Pro tip: People don’t really like to be “sold” something and constantly advertised “at”…

Think about it, how do you process business information? Do you like being aggressively “attacked” with overly “salesy” pitches…

Or do you prefer to have all the information you’d need to make an educated and informed decision, and if/when you have questions,

it’s easy to contact someone for answers..

So this basically means, balance out your content with the things that make you who you are,

rather than 100% of what you create being centered around “aggressive” sales - driven messaging.

Or just “business posts” in general.. eventually nobody will care if that’s all you ever created.

Don’t overcomplicate it. Share what you know, create content that other humans will enjoy and do it often!

Oh, and last thing!!

You really don’t need the fanciest equipment to get started, use what you have, and…

Get scrappy!! It works!!

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